A Brand New Look for the Lindy Infante Foundation

The Lindy Infante Foundation is reintroducing the community to our commitment to expanding opportunities in youth sports.

We believe that playing sports has the power to transform the life of a child. And our new brand strategy is designed to support our mission by providing more efficient ways of raising funds, recruiting community partners and finding sponsors to help get children and teens off of the sidelines and into the game.

  • Our new messaging clearly communicates why our mission matters – using facts and figures to illustrate how rising costs have led to big declines in sports participation.
  • Our new imagery more prominently features young athletes – reinforcing the Foundation’s focus on improving the lives of children and teens.
  • Our new website features a more streamlined user experience – making it easier for donors and recipients to interact with the foundation.

In the few years since the Lindy Infante Foundation first opened its doors, we’ve already been able to make positive impacts throughout the community. But our focus has always been on the future – the future of youth sports and the lives that can forever be changed through participation.

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